Animation Rotate Help

I have a problem roataiong inside of “autokey” When i slecet rotate the modle will rotate, but it rotates all of the objects seperatly from one piviot point. When i’m not in autokey it’s binds just find and rotates together. What shall i do?

i’ve had that same problem! i’ll try to figure how to fix this and tell you.

Just curious…are you talking about Inventor? I’ve never heard the term “autokey” before.

I must agree with worldbringer on this. I have been on Inventor plenty of times and have never heard of that term either.

No, I don’t think they are. If I’m not mistaken they are talking about the 3Ds MAX animation competition.

this is correct. We are talking about the animation software 3D Studio Max (3DS Max) from autodesk. Inventor is also by autodesk so there is alot of confusion.

This was also posted in the CAD/Inventor forum, hence that misunderstanding…you could probably get a better answer if you post the question in the animation subforum.

I think I know what you are talking about, and I have the same problem. On a character I am trying to animate, When try to rotate the bones so he turns to face a direction, his bones move individually and the gizmos rotate independantly, in place. not helpful:o . If anyone knows how to fix this, it would be very helpful.