This is a countdown clock I slapped together, very simplistic. It just counts towards the FRC Kickoff on January 8th.
Now that there are only 2 days and 17 hours left, i would like to thank you for creating the clock that would drive me insane because time does not pass fast enough
Thank you very much for creating this clock! It has been my home page on chrome for the past week!
Congratulations, I now have the urge to use my Google netbook as a clock.
“What time is it?” “1 day 12 hours 4 minutes 10 seconds.” “???”
This countdown is slightly deceiving. It counts down to 9am, when in actuality we don’t get to the good stuff until closer to 10:30. However, if they want to move the broadcast to 9, they won’t get any complaints from me :rolleyes:
Thank you my ipad is now permanently showing this directly over my television which is being left on the NASA Channel. I appreciate your work.
My new homepage.
Now when this thing hits 0 is it gonna do anything?