Announcing FRC Countdown Clock

This is a countdown clock I slapped together, very simplistic. It just counts towards the FRC Kickoff on January 8th.

Now that there are only 2 days and 17 hours left, i would like to thank you for creating the clock that would drive me insane because time does not pass fast enough :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for creating this clock! It has been my home page on chrome for the past week! :stuck_out_tongue:

Congratulations, I now have the urge to use my Google netbook as a clock. :smiley:

“What time is it?” “1 day 12 hours 4 minutes 10 seconds.” “???”


This countdown is slightly deceiving. It counts down to 9am, when in actuality we don’t get to the good stuff until closer to 10:30. However, if they want to move the broadcast to 9, they won’t get any complaints from me :rolleyes:

Thank you my ipad is now permanently showing this directly over my television which is being left on the NASA Channel. I appreciate your work.

My new homepage.

Now when this thing hits 0 is it gonna do anything?