Pretty sure GrappleHook is allowed through the firewall but it still won’t connect.
We’ve tried connecting to a spare rio1 and it works fine but the rio2 on our robot doesn’t connect.
Try unplugging the radio/ethernet
Still does not work even after power cycle. (Same errors)
I remember having similar issues during build season with GrappleHook this past year. It seemed rather temperamental as to when the software would detect/connect to the Rio (and subsequently any LaserCANs attached). I recall our “solution” was effectively connect/disconnect from the Rio half a dozen times until the connection decided to establish itself… (Not exactly helpful here, I know).
I loved our LaserCANs, and once they were setup (CAN Id’s set) we didn’t have a single issue during a match with them, but the process of connecting to them using GrappleHook certainly was frustrating.
Making this more reliable is something we’re working on, but in the meantime that error seems to suggest that GrappleHook can’t reach the SSH port, or that something else is using the port GrappleHook usually uses to communicate. Are you trying to connect at the same time as Phoenix Tuner or whilst you’re deploying?
Usually a reboot of the RIO will fix this error, but if not there is a breakglass solution. Run the below in a terminal and then try to reconnect.
ssh [email protected] -t ' -t'
If that doesn’t work, run the below and post the output here. It could be that GrappleHook’s daemon is having some internal error and is failing to start.
ssh [email protected] -t 'cat /tmp/grapple-hook-daemon.log'