Another brilliant (?) idea from The Clock. - re: Birthdays.

So, I was thinking… <insert gasp sound here>

Anyways. Is it possible to put a link to the great Birthday Wishing thread in the orange heder bar where the Birthdays are listed on THIS page?

Maybe center it on the orange header bar for that topic??
I don’t know… just a thought. I know the Birthday Cake icon goes to the calendar which is a cool idea, so I wouldn’t want to put the link to the thread there.

I am lazy and don’t feel like searching for the B-Day thread everytime I see a name of a person I know, or anyone for that matter, who I want to wish a Happy B-Day to!

The header is crowded enough. Add a link to the thread to your favorites.

What if it was added to the portal page?

“View today’s Birthday Wishing Thread entries”



I still want my “Happy Birthday” sign next to the names.



I second the idea of the birthday icon. It’s eeeeenteresting…and it’s bling for those of us who don’t have much hope for WFA any time soon. :smiley:

The glowing sign that once was will not happen. I’ll see what I can do about an icon, or something, though, with a link to the birthday thread.


[edit]Anybody wanna make an icon? E-Mail it to me if you feel creative. It should be a jpg, gif, or png, and be about the size of the WFA/UFH icon.[/edit]

… I did this a few days ago, if you hadn’t noticed yet.

Check out posts by someone with a birthday. David Kelso, for example.

Ooh… Spiffy.

Can you make the cake icon linkable to the Birthday thread now? :smiley:

not without breaking things…

That’s excellent!
I like the icon…it’s cute. =)
Do you have a timer on it of some sort? So it doesn’t stay on there over a day?
It’s too cool! =D

Hey, wow, just in time for my B-day. Nice planning, Brandon!

That’s a fun little mod there. I’ll actually notice the birthdays now. :slight_smile: