Another Jaguar Issue

We are having an interesting problem. I will try to simplify as much as possible. We have an electronics board with 2 KOP Jaguars and 2 New Jaguars we received about a week ago. On our board all the indicator lights act as expected while Disabled and Enabled, i.e. all 4 Jaguars will indicate a solid/flashing green/red light when given the appropriate command. A motor hooked up to 1 of the KOP Jaguars works as expected. The same motor hooked up to either new Jaguar will not even try to turn. A multimeter measures 0V coming off the M+/M- on each of the new Jaguars while giving a command and again the led acts correctly.

So bottom line, we have confirmed that the appropriate signal and power are being applied to the new Jaguars, but no power comes out. Our thought is that there is an issue with the firmware and we will likely reload that. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Make sure the limit switch jumpers are installed on the Jaguars that aren’t outputting anything. An open circuit will prevent the Jaguar from driving a motor in one direction; two open circuits will prevent it from driving a motor at all.

Alan - Thanks for the comment. I forgot to mention all these Jaguars are in Ramp Mode. That may be a good troubleshooting step, put them in normal mode and see if that could be the problem.

If I remember right, you have to power cycle the Jaguars after putting them into ramp mode. Make sure you cycle them and see if that clears them up.

All - For anyone following this here is the conclusion. We tried switching jumpers and rotating them back to the normal (limit switch) position and this did not fix it. Of course we were power cycling many times during this process so that was not the case either.

We built a CAN cable to update the firmware on the Jaguars under question. I was not involved personally with this but the report I received was that the firmware that was installed on the Jaguars was either 61 or 64. After we updated the firmware to the newest version both of the Jaguars work fine.