Ant Ivy Dependency Management

Me and my team are working on a Library for general Robotics classes. I am trying to use ant ivy for dependency management. As of now it finds the modules but will not download artifacts. Code is below:

<ivy-module version = “2.0”>
<info organisation = “6479” module = “RobotLibrary”/>
<dependency org = “” name = “cscore” rev = “1.0.2” />
<dependency org = “” name = “NetworkTables” rev = “3.1.7” />

Update: I have figured out the issue and determined that it is specific to cscore and NetworkTables. The problem is that as a suffix after the version there is a -linux or -windows etc. I have yet to find a fix for this however

The NT core dependency in Gradle doesn’t need a -windows or -linux suffix, but I did have to add a ‘classifier’ to it. Is there something similar in Ant Ivy?

dependencies {
  compile group: '', name:'NetworkTables', version:'3.1.7', classifier : 'desktop'
  compile group: '', name:'NetworkTables', version:'3.1.7', classifier : 'sources'