Any FRC Team thinking about doing this?

We were thinking that we should replace the joystick and plug in a computer steering wheel and foot pedals instead…

Anyone else thought of this or trying to do it?:slight_smile:

I know that 1403 did that with their '06 robot, so it has been done, as well as xbox360 controllers, guitar hero controllers, ddr mats…etc.

1678 might do this, possibly without the foot pedals.

And as for the DDR mats, that’s just a joke, right? (It would be pretty awesome though).

That’s what team 1675 thought.

You might want to think about using a joystick to control your speed, because using a pedal while standing can be kind of awkward.

And as much as we’d love to bring our gaming chair to regionals, it’s not exactly feasible (also the operator windows are pretty high, if i remember correctly.)

Might get logistically challenging when you realize you gotta have a gas pedal, a brake pedal, and some way to pop it into reverse.

The software for that that would be a ton of fun to write though…:yikes:

we’re thinking about making it easy to drive the robot…(the transmitter would be removed, of course)



whan we are was rookie we think to use staring weel with pedal but becouse you not siting is very hard to control the pedal and it very hard to control it
i now in the army in israel i am a tank driver the way the tankmove is simeller to the robot but he use one engine to control in the robot we use diffrent engine to each sides so to do founctin in stareing weel s hard andthe contol very hard and if tou want use weel you need another boton to revers the robot so it take you more time
use a weel it a problem becouse it not so stabole on the desh bord so it move in the controle be hard

Multiple people on 1676 have proposed using this as our driver controls (me being one of them)…no firm decisions for a while yet, though.

Remember that any parts of the control system that do not fit on the shelf of the alliance wall must be held by the team behind the line until teleoperated begins. They also cannot be plugged in while being held.