Any height limitation this year?

I know that the robot cannot be more than 4ft starting config and cannot be more than 6ft 6in in the Hab zone, but what about match play? I can’t seem to find any rule that implements a height restriction. I mean. The rocket’s targets height are a max (give or take) 7ft 10in tall, so I feel there isn’t, but can anyone confirm?

The only current height restriction is in the Hab zone. Anywhere else, all that matters is your starting configuration as you mentioned.

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Outside of Starting Configuration and in the HAB no limit.

Be careful when you’re in the HAB as well. Your robot cannot go about the Alliance Wall (6ft 6in), but the LV1 HAB zone is already 3in off the floor. Make sure you don’t drive your 6ft 4in tall robot onto the HAB (or 5ft 4in onto the LV2).


R3 (what you referenced) and G12 (duck in the hab zone) appear to be the only rules explicitly limiting robot height. R9 (unsafe situations) might limit height as well.

nice! quick follow up. are there any endgame specific rules? I can’t seem to find any. is 30inch extension from frame perimeter the absolute maximum? I assume so. just wanna double check

30 is the maximum

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All I found were the increased HAB contact penalty (G13); touching opposing rockets (G16), and a few blue box comments on C8.

Edit: added G16

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That’s horizontal maximum (see R4). The OP was asking about height.

yup. sorry. I just made a quick followup about the outside and that was the response. I’ll keep these organized by topic. my bad!