Any Ideas?

Hi, I’m from 1037. 2003 was are first year with FIRST and we enjoyed it IMMENSELY. For next year, our team would like to develop a drive train with transmissions. I was just wondering if anyone had pictures of their successful gearboxes or transmissions to give us an idea of what we should design for next year. Thanks!

Check out the white papers section of Chief Delphi for step-by-step instructions on some team’s transmissions. From what I’ve seen, anything that Wildstang, TechnoKats or Thunder Chickens have done is worth checking out!

  • Katie

I just bought a book on line but I havn’t read it yet. I’ll post here in a couple of weeks and tell you if I find anything. It’s finals time so I won’t be able to look into it too soon but if i find anything I could tell you the pages and if it’s a worth while buy for the team.

here was the book

Thanks Katie!