Any Mentors out there?

Hey all!

Is there anyone out there in VA who wants to be a mentor? We’re looking for people in the Richmond/tri-cities area that are willing to help us before, throughout, and after build season. We’re not in any special need, so don’t even think about leaving any teams you’re on now, but we would like support from college students and even free-lance engineers, if possible. Please reply or contact me if interested.


Did you check FIRST’s website map, in VA, the link “teams willing to be mentors”?
You probably did…

well, you know Brandi and I will be home to help until the end of March at least


I’d be more than willing to answer questions and such if you’d like to email me at [email protected].

Digo, I meant more along the lines of college students in VA as opposed to teams. As a team we’re fine, we just need a few more advisors/adultesque people :slight_smile:

Melissa, if you’re going to be there we will thank you immensely :slight_smile:

Thanks Leon, we’ll keep you in mind!

*Originally posted by Gui Cavalcanti *
**Digo, I meant more along the lines of college students in VA as opposed to teams. As a team we’re fine, we just need a few more advisors/adultesque people :slight_smile:

Melissa, if you’re going to be there we will thank you immensely :slight_smile:

Thanks Leon, we’ll keep you in mind! **

‘adultesque’ include Awakwardly Aged mentor figures?


Soon to be an Awakwardly aged mentor figure

Of course it does, Wetzel :slight_smile: We’re not paying for gas, though… hehe.