Any more long weekends?

I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t plan on going home until Monday/Tuesday. We have a bit of work to do. Maybe I’ll post some pictures if I don’t get hurt by doing so :slight_smile:

Home… whoa… sleep 4 hours a day at most, that’s perfectly fine! It’s better than our head electrician (or whatever he is… I’m too confused with titles) - Go to school at 6:45, go to robotics at 3:30, go home at 5:30, take a shower, get to school at 6:45 again, no sleep… go to robotics at 3:30, go home at 5, go to school, and SLEEP IN TOK!!!

Me on the other hand, go home at 2 go to bed at 3, wake up at 6:45. Sleep in history. ib music. french. tok. chemistry. a good 10 mintues at least per class, it’s enough to keep me pseudo awake till 2 in the morning again. grin

Oh, not a whole lot of “home” time. Quiiiiite a bit of work, but at teh same time, so close…

We are keeping a tally on the whiteboard of how much sleep vs time spent here.

The numbers are pretty interesting.