Any one watching the Cricket World Cup Finals?!


Tonite is the Cricket World Cup finals between India and Australia
in South Africa… it should be an intense nite… who all are watching…??

*Originally posted by activemx *

Tonite is the Cricket World Cup finals between India and Australia
in South Africa… it should be an intense nite… who all are watching…?? **

My father in law is a huge cricket fan and I tried to watch it with him and had absolutly no idea what was going on.
So no.

What channel and what time?

My friend explained to me how to play it the other day…all i can say is wow, European Baseball…i’ll watch it.

Missed it…

didn’t watch it - but listend to it - so close… if only it would have rained more…haha

Since I didn’t see it who won???

the aussies!
yesyes, i know, i should not be happy,
but they all played very well,
no one expected india to make it -
and I’ve been to australia, and they’re extreemly nice,
so I’m happy for everyone!
:smiley: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea Australia set up a huge score…India tired but couldnt make it. It was a great game i dint watch it either but was being updated by my friend.

I see

Isn’t South Africa pretty good too?
lol…as i’m posting this, i realize the cricket world cup has already passed…

anyway, i’m a World Cup hooligan…lol, my sis and i would be up around 2am during the summer to watch

GO English premiership!

ah cricket…the love of my life forgets this is a robotics forum
the coming series between Australia, Pakistan and West Indies will be a good one to watch
The Tsunami Appeal match was amazing, Asia vs World was able to raise a mammoth $14.3 million
cricket lives, go team canada!

Aussies have been rocking mainly because of their new coach, I think. They’re winning world cups like its eating pop corn. Simply amazing…

I’ve got one eye on it (mainly just checking the scores over on cricinfo). If the West Indies (ha) had made it to the finals, then it would’ve had my full attention.