Anyone get hit by the Cool Squad?

Just curious- the guys had over 100 contracts to execute. Were you a victim?

WC :cool:

Silly me for asking but what is the Cool Squad ?

I was. Twice. You’ll be hearing from my attorney :slight_smile:

I was…some strange guy named wayne cokeley took one out on me “just because” :wink: great idea! and fun and well worth it. hey, we all have a little repressed anger for other FIRSTers! :slight_smile:

Several of us are filing a joint lawsuit.
I’ll have my people contact your people.

Nope, I luckly wasn’t a victim

yeah… sorry but what is it?

The Cool Squad. 6 members of Team 25 (Raider Robotix) armed with Airzookas, and holding the Mafia look with hats and sunglasses. Toured the arena and the pits for 3 days taking out “contracts” on individuals. These contracts would allow the Cool Squad to encirlcle you and shoot a blast of air at you. You were then given your contract (hence why I have a photograph of my own) and a button. Keep and eye out for them at future competitions! :wink:

Big Mike told Amanda Morrison and I that we had hits out on us, and we managed to avoid the Cool Squad. We almost got caught … maybe next year. :slight_smile:

I was told they were hunting for me. This was due to flipping their robot last year.


My only problem with the cool squad was the members on it didn’t seem to know enough of the people that had contracts. Too many of them were either newbies to chiefdelphi, newbies to FIRST, or not really involved enough to know big names except what they had seen at previous competitions this year. I think there should be a screening process…like, match the names with the photos. and the top 6 should be comprising the squad. that’s just my $0.02

Big Mike said their was a hit out for me…no clue why. The only time I came remotely close to them is when they came to our pit asking “Who is Andy Baker and where can we find him?” lol youngins…

Brandon ran, and I segway’d the heck out of there every time we saw them.
/me ain’t about to get caught. :slight_smile:

those things are harmless the only thing they could shoot with those were air born deaseases

your just mad cause it takes your team 5 minutes to take a picture of you being bear hugged… that pic should be on the internet too :wink:

Ya know…
I’ve had this WICKED cold ever since I got back from Atlanta.

That’s not even funny. :mad:

So the people w/those air-blaster thingies were from the Cool Squad? Heh, we saw them at one point when we were in this crowded elevator and they blasted some air at us, which was nice of them :smiley: And dude yeah, half of my team is sick because of ATL, and then um, we passed it on as “presents” to our teachers and we’re all still sick. Which stinks.

:smiley: Way cool!
I got hit with “having a mean cd avatar”.
Wish there were pics.

grumble Is that what this sinus infection is from?

Never noticed the “cool squad” at Annapolis, but 25 was there. Hmmmm…

Koko ed told me to watch my self there was a price on my head, so i was able to keep a safe distance from them. I also have had a nasty cold the past few days after Atlanta :frowning: