Anyone have any pictures to donate for a promo video?

I am in the process of producing a FIRST promo video to send out with my team’s newest fund raising package and was wondering if anyone could point me to their favorite pictures of 2007. I am especially interested in pictures that show crowds and excitement at FIRST events. When the video is done, I will post in on CD and all are welcome to use it (although it may end up being most relevant to my team (2079) in the end. I apologize if there is already a similar post that I missed. If there is, please point me to that too.

2007 FRC Photo Gallery- Some awesome pics :slight_smile: Have fun.

Here are some pictures of 190 from the championships

this is a particularly good shot for excitement/crowds

When do you need them by? I have lots of pictures (and raw video) from previous promotional videos at home, but not here with me at college. I’ll be going home sometime next week, so I may be able to send them to you then if you can wait that long.
You can glance at the (low quality) youtube versions of my videos to see if you see any footage you want in particular (although I have a lot more than is just in the videos).

ASAP. I actually started producing this this afternoon, but realized we had very few pictures of other teams because it was mostly parents taking the photos. The goal is to have this produced and shippable at least a week before kickoff. Your videos are nice, but they aren’t the same style as the video we are putting out, so I don’t know if they would be very helpful. Some of the included pics were very good though. If you want to post those they may be helpful.

Here are two that are posted online that I used:

I have some good amount of video from Buckeye 2007 on a bunch of camcorder DVDs. I can upload them to our team’s FTP by morning if you’d like. We didn’t do too many competition photos last season.

My favorite is the Woodie Pyramid:

I have higher res versions if you need it - they are too large to post here

There is also this one taken when MOE won Chairman’s - again, I have better versions:

Here are a lot of pictures from select regionals:

There’s over three thousand photos in Team 228’s Photo Galleries, encompassing most of our team activities from the past decade, as well as a lot of “stock photos” related to FIRST.

My laptop is [faild]. Constantly running low on HDD space, forgot I had to tidy up a bit. Stupid HP Recovery partition. I’m two inches away from just wiping it.

Thanks all! This video is starting to look pretty good.

A good one showing the robots and the excited pride of three allied teams at the end of a well-executed Rack-N-Roll match.


Here are some pics of the pits at Boston


Any chance of letting us know where it can be viewed (when finished of course)?

It should be up by the end of next week. I will post a message when it is ready for use. I am still not sure of you are going to want to use it, because its pretty heavily biased towards pictures and vids of our team. All are welcome to look at it though.

Here it is everyone!It ended up being very team specific, but all are welcome to it anyway. If anyone wants a higher-res version, just ask and I will send it to you.
I would really appreciate any feedback.

Thx in advance

Here is some pictures you can look thru on our web sit:

UC Davis
Mascot Dance off (I’m the only robot!)
(Theres more to FIRST then building robots)

That is an excellent video, I’m very impressed. Best of luck this year!