Anyone up for a game of Hacky Sack?

Some of us guys in purple are planning on playing some outside on the greens to get a little exercise when we’re outside the pit. Last year we got some decent circles going but it seemed like people only hopped in after we made other people play with us.

If you guys see us out there, please hop in! We should be out and about around lunch time when we have some down time to play. Circles are 10x more fun with tons of people than just having a few of us playing. :slight_smile:

See you guys there!

Be prepaired, 1155 is $@#$@#$@#$@# good at hacky sac.

We’ve got a couple people that play anytime they get a chance, pretty good too. I’m sure they’ll be stopping by.

To avoid perhaps the biggest tragedy all year, I’d like to remind you guys to bring a hacky sack. Otherwise it’s just a circle o’ nerds. Seriously though this sounds like a blast. Good idea to get the word out.:slight_smile:

A few of the team members and I may make an appearance. One person on my team cough Tdorthebnator cough cant resist playing hacky sack