Following a recommendation here on these forums, I took a look at TeamApp for our team to stay in communication and in the know while at Championship. It looks good, but we haven’t tested it out yet. Is anyone else using it? If so, how are you using it? What elements of it do you use and for what purposes? One thing I couldn’t figure out was how to get chat notifications. News notifications work, but chat notifications seem to be nonexistent.
Hmm, this seems like an interesting way to do scouting. Perhaps each “player” was a team, and you could update stats in real time? I might look into this, as we did scouting on paper and had two people entering all of the data into excel.
I’m pretty sure OP isn’t using this for scouting. I think they are using it for team communication…
My team has used it for the past couple of years. We use it for general communication, such as meeting and fundraiser announcements.
You have to specifically enable notifications for chat. I can’t remember if there’s a button in the app, but there is one in the web interface.
Yeah, I know that but it might be repurposeable.