AP Physics B Review at 2013 Championships

Several of our robotics team students wanting to not miss AP testing reviews when they are gone from school for Championships. We decided to open these reviews up to other studetns that may want to join us for the reviews. We will be working on AP Multiple choice problems and some open ended questions.

Team 2468 will have Bob Witowski, one of our mentors and AP Physics B teachers available at lunches at Championships for tutoring.

If you need more information, please post here or come by Team Appreciate’s Pit.


Coach Norm

I hope other teams APPRECIATE the offer!

Our kids don’t take AP tests, but I’m sure they’d be there if they did, what a great idea, Norm!

This is a fantastic idea, I am in AP Physics B and so are a good number of my teammates, and we will be attending Championships. I’m sure my physics teacher will be stoked to hear that other AP teachers are stepping up to help students.

*I’m available on-line to help. (Taught college physics classes to EE majors back in the early '70s)

I usually do a Google Hangout the week before APs for some last minute review. I think it would be awesome if we could have the CD community join in!

Im taking the AP physics mechanics C and EM

This is really cool. Unfortunately, we don’t have anybody taking B.

However, there are 4 students on my team in AP Physics C that will be attending champs.

I think we can do a Phyics C session, too! We have about 3 students on our team currently in the class and our Team Coach is the Physics C teacher(:

I too am in AP Physics C, but it’ll be nice to attend. I’ll be ready to study. Thanks 2468, we again Appreciate the offer!:slight_smile:

I’d be there for physics C and possibly calculus BC.

I am keeping track of “side” events as part of orienting the St. Louis Convention Bureau staff hired to work at the Championship. I would love to include this. Please send me the times, and where you will be holding these sessions once you get the details nailed down. Thanks.

Ap Physics B, Ap Chemisty, Calc AB, Enlgish and Lit…all would be much appreciated.


AP Physics teacher here. And 2 of my students are part of the team. I’d love to help, especially with open-ended Qs.

You think it might be possible to find a room somewhere in the dome to facilitate this? Maybe with a smart-board? Can’t do anything without my Promethean,:wink: you know.

Same here
AP B Physics teacher available… if you need me…
I have a few students on the team too…
Let me know

I am also an AP Physics B teacher and would be happy to help out on one of the days. Great idea!


At the very least, I’d love to talk to other Physics teacher/Robotics Coaches.

Could we start a Physics C review as well? I’m self-studying for the exam since my school doesn’t have an AP Physics class, and I’d love any help I can get reviewing for the exam.

I teach AP Physics C, and I think this is a splendid idea. I’m with Team 1671 “The Bird Brains” so please look for me, and I’ll be looking for you.

Yes! I teach AP Physics C. I’m easy to spot… 6’ 6" with a beard from team 1671. I would enjoy helping you guys as well as my own students that will be there.

Just checking in. Putting final touches on list of events at the Championship. I will put down as taking place in your pit unless I hear otherwise.

This is excellent!!! I’m missing the final to attend nationals. Course, so is our teacher, so…