Hello we at team 1689 have our arcade drive code and our pneumatics code both in the while loop set up to run ( also a third motor and the second joystick). 1) But when we run our program if the Arcade drive system work then the compressor does not turn on. 2) If the compressor turns on our arcadr drive does not work( meaning the joysticks or the motors do not respon to each other). 3) Also we need have a soleniod for a piston set to a button.http://f590.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1_22_1_12483_0_AAJlxEIAAVfeSZXT8gf2Vlj5DQk&fid=%40S%40Search&pid=3&clean=0&inline=1
Could you post the code? That link you gave doesn’t work.
OK i see the icon for files
Here is my code for Robot Main.vi ( only this vi was changed)Main_Drive_Program_TO_USE.zip (146 KB)
Main_Drive_Program_TO_USE.zip (146 KB)
Main_Drive_Program_TO_USE.zip (146 KB)
im not an expert programmer. this is my first year programming.so please excuse my terminology. The easiest way to program this is by using the DIO program instead of the compressor and solenoid. the compressor can be directly connected to the power but by using a pressure valve. Use the DIO output to program and connect 2 spikes to the DIO output. you can use the buttons from the joystick to control the spikes. I tried the compressor program but didnt find it much helpful so my teammates suggested using the pressure valve provided which automatically turns the pressure on and off to keep it within a certain pressure limit.
Thanks you varun1718, I will try the program when I get to school, and thank you varun1718 because we needed a way to control the compressor.
So all i need to know is how my current code conflicts that arcade drive runs or only the compressor runs 0-0.
While it is electrically possible to do this, it is not in accordance with the game manual’s rules. See specifically <R77>.
Well COULD anyone look at our code if anyting is incorrect becuase our robot should be able to 1)drive arcade, 2) have a second joystick for a motor to runs with a button to set off the soleniod, 3) Also be able to turn the compressor on and off by a button on the joystick !!!
With the exception of #3 (which does not follow the rules), I don’t see anything obviously wrong with the code you posted.
Well thanks you for looking . I will ask our Electronics guys to see if there are things we could of missed when doing our electronics bored one more. But thank you for looking. Also thank you for warning us that we can not run the compressor under a button. I Will try a timer instead.But thank you for looking.
Please read the 2009 FRC Game Manual, with special attention to <R77>. The cRIO code must use the Nason pressure switch in order to control the compressor.
Did you say that with my code the way it is that I should ,program wise, be able to set off the solenoid by my JoySticks Controller?