Arcade Drive Joystick error

I get an error with arcadeDrive

The method arcadeDrive(double, double) in the type DifferentialDrive is not applicable for the arguments (Joystick)

import org.usfirst.frc.team7231.robot.RobotMap;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Spark;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.SpeedControllerGroup;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.Subsystem;

public class DriveTrain_Subsystem extends Subsystem {

	   Spark FrontDrive_Left = new Spark(RobotMap.FrontDrive_Left);
	   Spark RearDrive_Left = new Spark(RobotMap.RearDrive_Left);
	   SpeedControllerGroup Drive_Left = new SpeedControllerGroup(FrontDrive_Left, RearDrive_Left);

	   Spark FrontDrive_Right = new Spark(RobotMap.FrontDrive_Right);
	   Spark RearDrive_Right = new Spark(RobotMap.RearDrive_Right);
	   SpeedControllerGroup Drive_Right = new SpeedControllerGroup(FrontDrive_Right, RearDrive_Right);

	   DifferentialDrive MainDrive = new DifferentialDrive(Drive_Left, Drive_Right);

    public void initDefaultCommand() {
    public void TeleopDrive(Joystick Driver){

    public void Stop() {

According to the Javadoc, the arcadeDrive method takes in two doubles, not a joystick object.

You would need to get the axes you want to use for speed and rotation from the joystick and pass their values to the method instead.

1= You have to declare an object type Joystick with an int value for the port of the joystick
2= arcadeDrive(<name of object>.getX(), <name of object>.getY());
for example

The Javadoc says the following:
differentialDrive.arcadeDrive(xSpeed, zRotation);

Will the following really work? Do you pass in the Y axis for the z rotation?

FYI: Joystick stick;

You probably want the x axis (left and right) for rotation, and negative y axis for forward backward. (The reason for negative y axis is the y axis is negative 1 when it is pushed forward)