Allright sorry for not getting this out earlier (work seems to pile up when you are not keeping up with it…), but here are my recommendations for recording a regional, parsing, and encoding.
Recording and Importing
There are two main ways or recording the footage from the FIRST feeds, you can either connect your computer directly to the feed using a video capture card, or you can record to a DVD recorder. The DVD recorder will add the extra time of importing it to the computer, but for many this is an easier solution.
To record with a computer you are going to need some sort of video capture card (if your computer doesn’t already have video inputs). If you need to add a video capture card I recommend picking up KWorld Xpert DVD Maker USB 2.0 Video Capture Device, its cheep and gets the job done I used it successfully last year to record two regionals. The quality is not as good as a on board video capture card would be. Next you need to record the video to a hard drive, you can use anything you want to record the video but the easiest solution is just using windows movie maker and record right to .wmv. Last year using the recording settings at 640X480 (VGA) at 2mb/s my total file size for all the raw video at GTR was about 15 GB. This is much more managable then most recording software that only records at the highest setting which will be more then 100mb per minute… (if you got a terabyte drive go ahead…)
Recording to a DVD recorder is simple plop a DVD in and set it to record, just make sure you change the DVD when it is full… probably every 4 hrs or so depending on what settings you use on the recorder. Importing from a DVD recorder i would recomend you use a DVD ripping software to rip directly to .h264, my favorite is handbreak works on both windows and mac.
Parsing and Finnishing
Feel free to use what ever video editing software you are most comfortable with, windows movie maker is built into all XP installs and works pritty well. If you allready have all the footage recorded in .h264 you can just use one of the simple video cutting tools seeing that you don’t need to rencode the video at all.
finnaly if you don’t have it in .h264 format yet this is where you take all the cut up matches and rencode them to .h264 ipod format. The easiest ways to do this is using a program like videora on windows or visualhub on mac. in vidora use the settings
VIDEO Quality Standards
I think we all agreed earlier in this thread that it is time to move to .h264 or atleast mpg4. So these are the video quality settings that i am proposing:
Format: .mov (.h264 or MPG4)
Resoultion: 640X480 VGA
Video Bit Rate: 1024kbps
Audio Bit Rate: 128kbps Stereo
This will produce match files arround 20-25mb, similar size to the old .wmv files.
in Videora there is a setting called “H.264 VGA 1024kbps Stereo/128kbps” just use that.
in VisualHub use iTunes-All Devices-Standard Quality-H.264 encoding