Our team was hoping to score 3 game pieces in auto and get a full link during it, however on the game manual it only shows links under the teleop section and I’m wondering if they would actually count these points in auto or if they would be counted after. The reason this matters is for scouting data, a 20 or 26 point auto looks better than a 15 or 21 point auto.
From the Q&A:
While LINKS can be created in AUTO, the points associated with them are determined in TELEOP (per table 6-2) and as such would not be applied to the average ALLIANCE AUTO score.
With that said, I think that being able to consistently put up a 3-game-piece auto would put you very highly in the auto rankings, with or without the points from completing a link.
For what its worth, although they’re technically scored in teleop, I know we specifically plan on including whether a link was created in our auto scoring in our scouting, and I’m sure other teams will be doing that as well.
Can you explain the reason behind this?
I don’t see the difference between a robot that score 3 game pieces which are not completing a link in auto and a robot that does complete a link, you can complete this link later in teleop.
On the other hand I would prefer a robot that scores 2 high game pieces and 1 mid game piece in auto over a robot that can complete a full link on the mid lvl during auto.
Not Anthony, But Links are always extra points so the extra scoring early is generally beneficial. If you’re scouting for future quals matchups you also want to know how well partners will contribute to RP requirements to best plan match strategies accordingly. More Links = Better ranking.
I agree but I don’t realy care if they completed a link during auto and then another one during teleop or if they started 2 different links during auto and then completed both of them during teleop so this is why I don’t see a reason to include auto links in the scouting form becuase we are not going to use this data.
Robot A scores 3 game pieces in auto, making a link. Throughout the rest of the match they score such that at the end of the match, in TOTAL they have scored 12 game pieces, and 4 links, including anything from autonomous.
Robot B scores 3 game pieces in auto, not making a link. Throughout the rest of the match they score such that at the end of the match, in TOTAL they have scored 12 game pieces, and 4 links. including anything from autonomous.
Which robot is better?
For me it will be the one that scored the game pieces on higher targets, if both the same in this catagory as well so it really doesn’t matter.
If all other aspects of the robots are equal (i.e. all game pieces scored in same places for same points I’d defer to the auto link as a tiebreaker. This situation would almost certainly never happen but if there ever was a case where two otherwise equal robots are only distinguished by that one thing that’s how I’d break the tie
IMO, scouting for links probably isn’t worth it for the majority of teams. I don’t really foresee teams just randomly scoring game pieces and ignoring links so all robots will generally be about the same in terms of ‘links per game pieces’.
In that case I would really just go with the robot that it’s driving coach communicates better with our coach, and if our coach doesn’t care so I will probably pick the team that proved itself in recent years just to make a good connection with them. Sorry but I really don’t see how auto links matters.
Whoever your drive team likes more!
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