Are these legal on the minibot?

We are considering using these spring plungers on our minibot as a prematch mechanism to keep our minibot open. Is this legal? Does it count as hardware?

Team Update #3 changed the wording. Where <R92> used to say “hardware”, it now says “fasteners” and gives examples of screws and bolts.

It would depend on where you are using them
If these are on the deployment mechanism they can be used but probably not on the minibot as hardware with the new Update…

However, You could make your own ball button out of aluminum as a catch and put that on the minibot…you won’t be able to use any sort of spring device on the minibot unless you can fabricate it out of aluminum (not a good spring) or utilize the rubber bands or surgical tubing…

Unfortunately it is not handy to make a compression spring out of rubber bands or tubing… although it could be done… I guess