Are YOU AP's slave?

Well everyone, AP testing starts tommorrow and continues for two weeks. After that, well school is pretty much over. Sure, there are the regular finals, but those are nothing compared to AP courses.

I know for the past week or so, I’ve locked myself up in my room reviewing everything. I am nothing but a slave to AP and the College Board. Who is being oppressed with me?

protests the poll There are people here who do not have ‘AP’ things in their country…GO CANADA :slight_smile:


Am I to assume that the AP is for harder courses? or at least more advanced levels…

I’m constantly studying…bleh…finals and aps suck…
yes, harrison, aps are harder courses…pass the test and you can get college credit…

Ahhh…same sorta thing here…

We have U, M, and C level courses…

U denotes University level (which is the hard stuff).
M is a combo os U and C…basically the medium level.
C is for College level (the easy stuff).

I’m taking ap computer science, but I’m not worried about it. I haven’t even finished reading the case study yet … speaking of that I should prolly go read that now :slight_smile: Seriously, maybe I’m in the minority here, but I haven’t studdied more than 20 minutes in the past 2 months for the ap test, and I’m not stressed out. Maybe I will be next year when I have ap government, ap physics c, and ap calculus bc, but now that I only have ap comp sci ab, I’m stress free. (wow, you gotta love all those stupid letters at the end of each course :))


Yeah, AP Comp Sci is supposed to be the easiest AP course, or thats what I’ve heard anyways. My brother is taking it this year, I’m taking next year. This year, I’m taking AP Bio and AP World History. WHAP doesn’t seem to be so bad, but Bio - oh god, so much reading… urge to burn rising… rising…

Harrison, whats the difference between Universities and Colleges in Canada? In the US, the two terms are interchangable for the most part - that is, they both refer to school after high school. Sounds like up there, university-level is higher than college level?

Universities are considered higher level than colleges.

Higher meaning higher quality of education, or higher as in high school is ‘higher’ than middle school?

*Originally posted by Harrison *
**Universities are considered higher level than colleges. **

oh that is kewl…

actually dan, universities for the most part are schools that have both b.a and b.s. and graduate courses…colleges just have b.a. and b.s.

*Originally posted by SuperDanman *
**Higher meaning higher quality of education, or higher as in high school is ‘higher’ than middle school? **

Higher as in harder…Tuffer courses…

But Uni’s and Colleges are a little different as well…

Uni’s deal with a lot of theory…College’s are more hands on…

Altho a uni grad will tend to end up making more money…

Last year I can say that I was a slave to AP tests…I had 4 (french, language & composition, physics, us history) and that really was not fun. I had AP composition & french on the same day, 8 hours of solid testing!

This year I only have one less but most of them don’t really matter. I can’t get any more english credits after last year so no worries about ap lit. I love gov so I do really well in that class so I’m not worried. Then there’s AP Calc BC and I don’t get to bypass math at UCLA even if I pass it.

And while I’m not really worried about the tests, I still do hold resentment against the monopoly known as the college board. Time to bust out the Sherman Anti-Trust act (wow, my history teacher would be so proud of me right now! jk)

I’m taking AP World History… but I’m not taking the AP test. I decided that it was just of my $$ to get a bad grade on it! history is dumb anyway ::grumbles::

  • Katie

I’m taking AP English III, AP American History and AP Computer Science AB… FUN STUFF!!!

Hehe, I’ve got AP Calc BC on Tuesday, but I’m spending most of my studying for my AP European History test on Friday. As for AP Chemistry, I’m not touching that until after the Euro test is over :stuck_out_tongue:

AP’s slave? Hrmmph.

I’m a slave to IB.

*Originally posted by IsabelRinging *
**AP’s slave? Hrmmph.

I’m a slave to IB. **

bleh… I’m in IB too…next year i become a slave to that…

crying…oOo why did i sign up for AP comp sci…oOo why oOo why…everyone makes mistakes and i will learn from this one…only AP class i see in my future is European History, but im not going to kill myself senior year sooo ill stick with the honors :slight_smile:

9 more days…

and to all you people who think you have it bad, i believe i can top you all. not only am i taking two ap courses in my sophmore year (APWH and AP Bio), but the AP Bio test is on my birthday. yes, that’s right. i don’t get to sleep late, or goof off, i get to go into school, and pretty much horrible fail a test (well, that’s how the AP’s are designed). whoop-de-beeping-do! on the plus side, i think after the exam is over (it’s a morning one), i think i can get my dad to take me down to the DMV, in the middle of the day, so the line should be shorter.

i guess the only good thing about my birthday being the day it is, my present is that after i take the test, i get to forget everything i learned, and literally dumb myself down for the regents (i hate NY!!).

oh well, 9 more days until freedom, and hopefully till i can get my learner’s permit. from now until then though, will be pure hell.

*Originally posted by Yearbook50 *
actually dan, universities for the most part are schools that have both b.a and b.s. and graduate courses…colleges just have b.a. and b.s. **

gah! I walk away for 3 hours, and about 10 more people post… :slight_smile:

What I meant is that people use the terms interchangibly. You don’t hear someone saying, “I’m going to a university” that often - usually they say, “I’m going to college” - even if they are going to a university. Yeah, technically there’s a difference, but not in the eyes of most people. Harrison made it sound as if there is a major difference in Canada, so I was just asking =D

Oh, and Ian, happy birthday in 9 days :wink:

I’m lucky beacuse I just have the easy APs (i.e. Science and similar). My APs: Calc BC, Chem, CS AB. And to studying - why study for something as easy as math or science? My evil tests are going to be tomorrow - French (okay, maybe not…) and American History…