In another post, someone mentioned how they want to see the Chief Delphi robot, but because he won’t be going to competitions CD is going, he can’t see it in front of him… So he asked if they can post better picture after a regional…
And that bring me to this question. How willing are teams going to be in terms of letting others take picture of their robot?
Well, obviously pictures taken from far away will be allowed, like a picture of a match or something. But what I am talking about is close up pictures of robot parts that show others how it is built and how it work.
A while ago (last year), I remember a web page showing different kind of robot parts, and you can go in and sort through them by choosing what kind of parts you want to look at. And I thought what a great idea. If we keep sharing these kinds of pictures around the web, we can have better robots every year.
This year, I am going to take as many pictures as possible of robots and people at competition, but most important of them, picture of parts that show others what’s a good design, or how to do a certain task with what kind of design, etc.
So I am just wondering if I will be greeted with a friendly “Hi!”, or going to get kicked out of teams’ pit area and be warned “DON’T YOU EVER COME CLOSE TO OUR ROBOT AGAIN!”
By all means, take as many pictures of 122 as you want. Can’t imagine any team that would try to keep something secret from you. IMHO, it would be ungracious and professional to deny a request to take a picture.
~Tom Fairchild~, who believes that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
You can take any picture you want of our robot and we are willing to tell you anything you need to know.
There are team out there that have copy us which I like because that shows how good our design is. the only problem I have is when I see them they never give us any credit for it.
there our team out there that cover up thier robot after every match just so you can’t see what they have.
I have question about those teams because some of those teams have not do follow the rules to close.
I wish every team open there pit up to show the work they have done. and tell the truth about thier robot.
Well, speaking from experience, teams are more than happy to have someone take a picture of their robot most of the time. For the past two years, thats how I got most of my pictures for, I would go around in the pits at nationals and try and take a picture of every robot there. Last year, I was extremely busy as I was on a small team, and only got about 1/8 of what was there. But I can tell you that most of the time, teams are extremely excited when someone else wants a picture of their robot.
Oh, and Ken, make sure to send some of those pics my way…
I am going to TRY and upload pictures from KSC thursday night so everyone can get a good look at all the teams before they watch the webcast…
Our team may allow pictures taken of our bot.
We are a bit leary though. We have a couple of unique ideas we came up with and hope to win a couple of awards for them. One can be made in just a half hour. Another one could be made in about two days.
Last year I saw a couple of teams bring new parts to a second regional that they didn’t have at their first regional. FIRST says that that isn’t allowed, but who is going to police it?
Thay is also the reason we haven’t posted any pictures of our secrets.
What are your opinions?
Share and share alike.
Stop on by and see ED 3.0 at VCU and nats in pit 116.
Hopfully we will have soem time to polish it again this year, so it will look nice for your pictures.
And I look at it as a compliment when someone wants a picture of a part. So came and take lots of pics!
I think almost everyone appreciates it when others are interested enough in our efforts to want to take a picture.
However, it is polite to ask and wait until there is not a lot of activity in the pits for a picture. In one picture of our robot in '99 I ended up in a picture that was posted on the web. If I’d have known they were taking a picture that included me, I would have at least sat up straight or better yet, cleared out all together.
You may be leary, but how long can you hide it anyway. It is better to share. We will share almost anything with anyone who asks. I thank all those who have been willing to share ideas in the past.
Please be careful when accusing anyone of cheating by adding new functionality to their robot after an event has started. It is perfectly legal to install new functionality on your robot as long as you manufacture the unique parts at the competition from legal off-the-shelf materials and parts.
You would be surprised what can be made if you take the time to develop a simple design that can be easily manufactured on-site with simple tools. In fact, to me, part of the challenge every year, is figuring out how to improve our robot from competition to competition while staying within the rules. Just ask Bill Beatty; he knows I thrive on this and can never stop tweaking our design. If it wasn’t for weight limits, our robot would look like a Swiss army knife by the time we finished at nationals.
And, we are willing to try to help anyone who asks us how to do the same for them at a competition.
Having said all that, I hope you get the edge you seek with your unique functionality.
In past years we have always let everyone photograph our robot, parts, mechanisms, etc. I don’t think I can recall ever when we said no - and as a result I would hope that we have had a wee influence on what we see others build. Our thinking has been that, you an take as many photos as you want and you can try to copy “as is” or even improve the design - and that is sort of a compliment that others like what they see. The otherside of the discussion is relative to “guarding what they consider to be a competitive advantage” and although I agree with Raul that sooner or later everyone will know - I find it acceptable for anyone that wishes to keep it under wraps until the competition starts to do so. Yes, there is many reasons, philosophys relative to the advantage “if any” of keeping stuff secret - and on the flip side the arguement of “sharing” is akin to being a good sport or whatever. Everyone has an opinion, and it’s up to them to decide “If and when” they wish others to see or photograph. We’ll continue to let ya take pctures, even though we did make a cover for the robot this year. It helps keep it clean, and DRY in the crate. And, “CD7” can get some rest at night in the pits now, without the lights bothering him!
So in short - To each their own! Good Luck to all this year, Just remember, Keep your cool when you’re picking up the pieces!
Hey all
Of course no one is going to post and say, hey, no, you can’t see my robot. Personally, i think Beach 'Bot has a fairly innovative design that i am very proud of, but after shipping the robot there’s not much anyone could copy off of us. So, yah, Ken, come snap away, and anyone else who’s got a camera and a desire to see it. We actually had plans to do something on our website with pictures of individual parts, but somehow our web designer (me) never had the time to actually do it.
But basically my point is, no one responding to this post is going to say, gosh i’m a prig and i don’t want to share what i’ve learned by letting other people see what i’ve worked on. They might say that at the comp., but they’re not going to warn you ahead of time.
I was at the VCU regional over the weekend and took TONS of pictures, I would just wait around the team’s pit area till I got a good shot, or if it looked like the guys were just around the bot not working on it, I asked if I could have a pic. I know that repairs wait for no-man so I didn’t bother anyone if they were working. I took lots of pics with people in them, I figured I’d rather get the pic with people then interrupt everyone. I posted all the bot pics in the Regional Pics area on Chief Delphi but there seems to be some problems. If anyone wants them my SN on AIM is chubtoad6 just message me and I’ll set up an ftp account for you to DL them. Peace and good Competition!
Not allowing someone to take pictures of your robots is just juvenile. Even if they were to copy some of your ideas, so what? You’ve helped another team, even if they wont admit it build a better robot. That said, in previous years as part of our soap efforts( we have not only taken pictures but even walked up to teams and asked them their capabilities. I’ve never had a team refuse, and you will find with most teams they are more then happy to talk all day with you about their robot and how it works. That said anyone is welcome too come by the team 108 pits and snap some photos or ask questions.
Team 60 has no secrets everything we do is free to everone. If you have questions just ask. Every year I go and check out the other teams to gain knowlage as well.