While we were running our robot we noticed the BOSCH and FP were running a little warm, so we found some heatsinks that are BAM extruded aluminum. Heres the link, and they look awesome. Put them on and they work great. Hope it helps someone else
I don’t know how many of you saw them last year, but we made our own heatsinks out of aluminum for our fisher price motors. We weren’t able to practice for more than five minutes at a time before we got them.
The muffin fan works great if you position your motors in the right position. We had the muffin fan blowing on both of our drill motors (used as our drive) and the TechnoKats motor mounts (THANX) and we never had a over heating problem ever. Before that we actually have video of our motors smoking because we broke the internal fan and it started to melt (pretty cool video).