4 Wheel Crab Drive
Can also be tank drive or have power front steering
inverted front and back steering (much shorter turning radius)
Fully Automated 2 Stage Conveyor System
Custom Steering Wheel
Adjustable Turret Hood (Allows quick shots at short ranges)
Turret Range: 15 ft
Turret Mobility: 300 degrees (Before the balls hit the conveyor belt behind it)
Custom Welded Aluminum Frame
Do i sense a pink look-a-like, except I bet this one was shipped with the robot put together. Great robot!
p.s. Props to the pink to team for assembling thier whole bot on Thursday, and a little Friday, after stayin up til 4 the night before assembling a practice bot. If only there was time for programming. I guess that’s what the time between FL and Colorado was.