Arrowhead Cyberhawks Team #706 2009

4 Wheel Crab Drive
Can also be tank drive or have power front steering
inverted front and back steering (much shorter turning radius)
Fully Automated 2 Stage Conveyor System
Custom Steering Wheel
Adjustable Turret Hood (Allows quick shots at short ranges)
Turret Range: 15 ft
Turret Mobility: 300 degrees (Before the balls hit the conveyor belt behind it)
Custom Welded Aluminum Frame

Tisk Tisk… Too many moving parts my fine Wisconsin friend. hahaha

Very nice bot, btw you guys look like the pink teams twin

ok so its a little overcomplicated, but its shiny

Do i sense a pink look-a-like, except I bet this one was shipped with the robot put together. Great robot!

p.s. Props to the pink to team for assembling thier whole bot on Thursday, and a little Friday, after stayin up til 4 the night before assembling a practice bot. If only there was time for programming. I guess that’s what the time between FL and Colorado was.