During the build season, I had zero time to draw between all the chaos.
Now that we have five seconds of breathing time, I need to release all this pent up art fart.
I’ve been thinking about it ever since Koko Ed replied to one of my threads, and I’ve decided to start a FIRST based comic, “FIRST Cadenza!”
My initial goal was to have the whole comic following adventures based on Team Challenger’s crazy build season, but now I want to do something a tad bit more epic.
The first arc will deal with Team Challenger and ‘Motolola’, a fictional member (named after our robot), working during the build season while fighting off ninjas, giant T-rex vampires, and a kung-fu master who wears a dress. Ultimately, I want participation from other teams. By this, I mean I want the blessings to use other team’s mascots, teams to send in their own FRC related stories, and even have other artists and writers from other teams to add to the comic.
The whole mood of the comic will be silly, crazy, and hopefully something you can all relate to. I want to mix in real life FRC stories and some hectic nonsense.
I’m trying my best to serve up an excellent one-page promo by time for my team to pass out at Championships.
The comic will be hosted at Team Challenger’s future website.
If you’re interested in helping, feel free to contact me and show a sample of your art or writing skills.
Does this sound like something you, the FIRST community, would be interested in?