As an objective reader, here is my sincere opinions...

*Originally posted by Katie Reynolds *

Please, please, please no bashing people on the board … even if they are family!

Thanks :slight_smile:

  • Katie **

Hrm… Sorry Bill… :stuck_out_tongue:

Michael is not one to be tamperred with… HE’S DA BOMB:rolleyes:
Jus don’t think i could handle two of him:D

hey guys, if you don’t mind, please continue this discussions about bashing people in another thread.

I asked Brandon to keep this thread stuck on top because I want people to think a little bit about arguments against others before posting.


To get back to what i wanted to sayin the first place is, don’t worry about the stuff that goes on in the off-season. It’s just a bad case of “ROBOT WITHDRAWEL” and i am right there with ya. I think what would detain the problem a little would be to have a few more technical threads and channel opur energy in the better direction. Well atleat i know that tha’s what i want, because i know i miss the good technical threads that used to be on cd!

*Originally posted by dlavery *
**M: Oh look, this isn’t an argument!
O: Yes it is!
M: No it isn’t!
M: It’s just contradiction!
O: No it isn’t!
M: It IS!
O: It is NOT!
M: You just contradicted me!
O: No I didn’t!
M: You DID!
O: No no no!
M: You did just then!
O: Nonsense!
M: Oh, this is futile!!
O: No it isn’t!
M: Yes it is!
M: I came here for a good argument!
O: AH, no you didn’t, you came here for an argument!
M: An argument isn’t just contradiction.
O: Well! it CAN be!
M: No it can’t!
M: An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition.
O: No it isn’t!
M: Yes it is! 'tisn’t just contradiction.
O: Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position!
M: Yes but it isn’t just saying ‘no it isn’t’.
O: Yes it is!
M: No it isn’t!
O: Yes it is!
M: No it isn’t!
O: Yes it is!
M: No it ISN’T! Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says.
O: It is NOT!
M: It is!
O: Not at all!
M: It is!
O: Thank you, that’s it.
M: (stunned) What?
O: That’s it. Time’s up. Good morning.
M: But I was just getting interested! **

OMG. how long did it take you to type this!!!
i admit to talking smack on the boards. but it was all in good fun. it was playful and i made it clear in a post the next day.

ily kenny, you said it perfectly


*Originally posted by dixonij *

OMG. how long did it take you to type this!!!
i admit to talking smack on the boards. but it was all in good fun. it was playful and i made it clear in a post the next day. **

If im not mistaken, he took that from a Monty Python sketch…“argument clinic” …im pretty sure

*Originally posted by D.J. Fluck *

If im not mistaken, he took that from a Monty Python sketch…“argument clinic” …im pretty sure **

yay for monty python!!! i love that sketch.


There are quite a lot of arguements going on!

Thanks Ken, for bringing this up. I took a 3 month “robotics break”, and it’s glad to be back.

In the spirit of fun, let all that hate go someplace else other than these boards.

Ken is right…as always.

*Originally posted by Ben Mitchell *

In the spirit of fun, let all that hate go someplace else other than these boards.


…or just not have the hate at all

Even better! :wink:

5 words:

my bad… didn’t mean to :smiley: