So sayeth the Lord Martus of the Delphi Chief’s. Err… Actually, I was just wondering if FIRSTanimators is dead now. I’ve not really seen any new posts or anything, at least not since I begged for this animation forum on Chiefdelphi (gee, thanks ). I just wanted to know if people are still interested in it and I should keep it up or scrap it.
I just thought that it would be nice to get emails every time there’s a new post, with replies automatically being emailed to you. That and I thought “FIRSTanimators Moderator” sounded better than “Creepy wacky 19 year old geek who chills with the highschool geeks”. Or maybe it means there need to be a resource section just for animators ( IE FAST - ::COUGHJAYLUNDYCOUGH:: ) here on Chiefdelphi.
I feel like those marketing frogs in The Muppets Take Manhattan: “Hmmmmmm.”
Good luck all, and happy animating!
-Robby O
FIRSTanimators Moderator AKA
“That Wacky, kinda creepy, and all together geeky college guy”
[email protected]