Dear friends,
I made an assembly adding two parts.Than I created third part referencing these two previous parts.I prepared a family table.When I opened the first instance two parts changed but third part is the same as it is.The message is
"Warning: Part AG_PN has reference to generic assembly CRCV_AG_PN(the name of my generic model)"Please help me for this problem.Best regards.
I’m not quite sure I follow what you are trying to do. Could you explain it a little more? Maybe post a screen shot of your model tree of the assembly.
Doe the file still open? Depending on how you have the structure laid out, you may have to have the generic assembly open (in memory/session at least) for the part to regenerate properly. Meaning that the part has a dependency on the assembly - which is typically a bad design practice.
Hope this helps.
Your question is not clear. What models did you add family tables to? Maybe you want to bring this conversation over to
I am sorry.The program is pro engineer wf4.
To be honest, the version of pro/engineer does not make a difference in this case.
Can you provide any specifics to your problem you are encountering?
Dear tim tim.
Do you mean program does not permit a family table for an assembly includes created component?If so what must I do?I need this created part.Because this part must be changed according to added parts.Do you know any other way to do this?Please inform me:Best regards
Let me see if I can explain what you are trying to say. You have crated two parts, lets call them “part 1” and “part 2”, and then placed both of them in an assembly, lets call that “assy A”. From this “assy A” you decided to create a third part, lets call this “part 3A”, while inside of “assy A”. Then you created a family table for “assy A” that was supposed to update all three parts, “part 1”, “part 2”, and “part 3A”; however, the family table only changed “part 1” and “part 2” within “assy A”. If this is the case, you would have to build and constrain your assembly very carefully to allow for the changes you are trying to make via the family table.
I am not going to say it is not possible, but the method in which you describe would require a well contructed model tree, and the parts would need to be created in such a way that the intent matches the family table modifications.
Personally, I would recommend creating a family table for each individual part. and then making a family table for the assembly that the only change would be which parts it is using to make the assembly.
For example:
I would create the generic for “part 1”, “part 2”, and “part 3”. For each of the parts I would create its own family table that composed of slight modifications to the generic part: “part 1-a”, “part 1-b”, “part 1-c”, “part 2-a”, “part 2-b”, “part 2-c”, “part 3-a”, “part 3-b”, “part 3-c”.
Then I would create a generic assembly, “assy A”, made from the generic versions of “part 1”, “part 2”, and “part 3”. Now create a family table that uses the children or family table created parts for each version of the assembly. So maybe “assy A-1” would be made of “part 1-a”, “part 2-a”, and “part 3-a”; and “assy A-2” would be made of “part 1-b”, “part 2-b”, and “part 3-c”.
Note that none of the generic versions should be used as final products or design use. The final product should parts and assemblies with dashes “-”.
Hopefully this makes sense to you. I am having a hard time understanding what you are trying to ask. This is my best attempt with the information you have provided.
Dear tim tim I appreciate your kind helps and detailed explantion.I think I found a solution.I designed the third part, made a family table and added it to assembly and assembly family table too.Now it is working.Thanks for everything and best regards