Does anyone know if you can change an assembly file to a part file and still have it work for Inventor 11?
Well, it works, but once you upload it, you can’t edit it until you have started a new workplane, however, you can go back to the assembly drawing, edit that, save it, and then upload the edited part into the part drawing.
In short, yes, but you can’t edit the drawing.
Do you know how to convert the assembly into a single part?
What I am really trying to do is get the playing field file that Daniel H came out with Playing field for download
and change the playing field assembly into a single part file.
what about just using the assembly file? i know that in solid works you can import assemblies into assemblies…i am 99% sure you can do that in inventor.
sorry if im missing something but thats what i would do
Changing an assembly into a part is somewhat unconventional, so what are you trying to accomplish in the end?
And to answer fimmel, yes, you can nest asm files in Inventor.
What I am trying to do is:
One of my teachers at school said he would print it out as a 3D model, but the 3D model printer only takes Inventor part files
Try exporting it as a different type of file, then importing it back into, lets say a new sketch in a new part. You may not even have to export it as something different at all. If you’re confused as to what I’m saying, just message me and I’ll get back to you tonight when I’m actually sitting in front of the program.
EDIT: Turns out this works (I tried it on inventor 8 though). You have to export the assembly as an IGES, then import it into a sketch. When the part imports, it’ll be just the faces in a clear yellow shell, but it’s the assembly in a part. It also may cause the computer to run really slow depending on the amount of ram and visual memory you have.
That is a much better problem statement.
Here is the solution.
Start a new part file (ipt). Exit sketch. Select Derived Component and then select the assembly (iam) file to derive. This will combine all your assembly into one part. (Notice that you could also use this method to cut one or more parts from another.)
Save As the derived ipt as STL (or ipt if that is what your teacher wants, but I am not familiar with a 3D model printer that takes Inventor files directly. What machine are you using?)
In Inventor 11 DWF Extension these extra steps aren’t required as STL files can be created directly in iam.
Thank you so much this really helped me alot.