Attention Metro Detroit

Anyone in the Metro area watch channel 7 news? There was an awesome story with 33, 47,65, 68 and a couple of others. Basically, just a FIRST overview on TV. Now who managed to hook this one up…

It was a very cool experience. Dean Kamen, Jessie Jackson, and a few other distinguished members of local governments came together to honor local pontiac teams. There were awards presented to the teams (1,33,47,65,68) too.

It was all set up by Chief Delphi, and was held at Pontiac Central. Like i said, it was a wonderful experience.

Ill put some pics up later!

Ok, these are small pics, so no complaining.

This is a pic of our team accepting the award.



I saw maybe half of the Channel 7 story…:frowning:

Congrats to everyone who was honored! You all deserve it! :slight_smile:

One question for members of 33 and 68: was any mention made of the Kettering Kickoff?

unfortunatelly, not.

Anyone get it on tape? I missed it. Was it on the evening news on Channel 7?

It was on the evening news, but unfortunately, I only found out that it was on too late and only got the chance to watch, not record. Sorry!!!

No problem. If anyone else got a tape, though…

I didn’t get it, but id love it to be digitized, If anyone has it or knows someone who does, hook me up please.

*Originally posted by IMDWalrus *
**One question for members of 33 and 68: was any mention made of the Kettering Kickoff? **

Jim said something about it when presenting our robot, but like Alex said, nothing else.

I’d like to see it too. My grandparents saw it, but I wasn’t home when it was on. If anyone has it, let me know.

has anyone tried contacting chanel 7 for a copy of the video? im sure they wouldn’t mind.