I was going to do the FRC electrical diagrams in Autocad. Is there somewhere a library of the FRC components in Autocad format? It would save some drawing time if they are available…
Are you looking to do something like This? Maybe that will save you even more time.
that’s the general one, I was hoping to get the pieces in Autocad format so we could put one together that showed exactly how OUR bot was using those components.
Try this website.
It doesn’t have all of this years component’s, but it will at least get you started.
there is alot of stuff on firstcadLibrary. if there is somthing they dont have It’s likley that ive modeled it. if theres somthing you can’t find Send me a PM or somthing and il to get it to you if i have it
I checked out firstcadlibrary. Its coverage of the components is great from a mech viewpoint but I was more interested putting a drawing together that customizes the drawingmentioned above. I didn’t see anything along those lines…