In this article, the makers of Autodesk are buying out all of Media’s 100 software line. I wonder what they want with digital video products. Could be something to incorporate it in within 3d MAX.
To start off, I just learned exactly what Media 100 was, and it seems as though Autodesk will be actually sending those guys over to discreet. For those not in the know B^P, Kinetix used to make MAX, they were a spinoff of Autodesk guys who wanted to do animation. Then Discreet came in and bought out Kinetix and came out in merger right under Autodesk, just like Kinetix was. Discreet used to provide things like Edit and Combustion, so by buying Kinetix they added the 3D side of things so that they could have that too. Now it seems to me that after reading the article they want to move Combustion onto MAC OS 10, so by picking up the Media 100 stuff, they can add all kinds of features that mac non-linear video editors are familiar with already, and add new ones to thier already existent combustion. But hey, that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong. Some one send a sharpened polygon in my direction if I am. B^P… man I need sleep… NOTE: Perhaps this also means 3DS MAX for mac’s? Say that 10 times fast… Mac’s MAX, Mac’s MAX, Mac’s MAX, Mac’s MAX, Mac’s MAX, Mac’s MAX, Mac’s MAX, Mac’s MAX, Mac’s MAX, Mac’s MAX… ooee… cabin fever, here I come…