Autodesk Inventor Design Competition: File naming

Hi teams,

I wanted to mention one minor comment regarding the Autodesk Inventor Design Competition. With regards to file naming, we ask that you name the main assembly file, main DWF file, and the Zip file, with your team number. All remaining files (parts, subassemblies, etc) do NOT need the team number in them.

We also highly recommend using folders when appropriate.

See the full criteria at FIRSTbase here:

Good luck everyone!

Autodesk Inventor Product Design

Wow, I didn’t know about this competiton before, but it looks really great. Our team is going to focus heavily on the virtual build this year, so being able to compete for an award in it is awesome.

One question though: we were planning on converting the STEP files provided by AndyMark for the kit wheels and gearboxes to use in our Inventor assembley. Would we really be required to recreate those parts in Inventor to be able to score well?


No need to re-build any files received from component suppliers Autodesk Kit of Parts, the FIRSTCADLibrary, Andy Mark, etc.

Best of luck,