Autodesk - .stp file to .iam

So I wanted an autodesk assembly file of the AM shifter, and I found this thread:

I would have posted there, but it’s closed.

So, here’s the problem. I followed the instructions, and I opened the .stp file, and it worked. As the old post said, nothing was constrained, but I grounded everything and saved it as a .iam file. This all worked fine, but when I placed the AM Shifter assembly into another assembly, after i constrained it down, Autodesk froze. I did this two more times and the same thing happened. I’ve had autodesk 2009 freeze a couple of times over the year that I’ve had it, but never 3 times in a row, so I guessing it has something to do with the converted .stp file. Anyone have this problem? Any ideas?



Wow, thats very odd indeed…

When you say you did this 2 more times… does that mean placing it into an assembly? or does that mean re-downloading that from AM and converting it from a STEP file?

I’d try that last one… and if that doesn’t work try rebooting your pc. Sometimes that will fix the issue between autodesk and windows.

Rebooted, re-downloaded the files and it happened two more times.

This is very annoying…

Wow that really stinks dude…

Try this CAD Site. my bud RC put this together with help of a ton of other people. This has the files for inventor… constrained and everything. It has everything you’d need I’m sure.

Thanks alot, I should get around to uploading some files there.