In auton mode, if your robot crosses your finish line (4 points) and then lets say hits a wall and then somehow ends up going back the way it came, thus crossing over the finish line it just crossed. What is the outcome here? 0 points? or 4 points - 10 point penalty = -6 points?
A similar question may have been asked before but i couldnt find it.
You’ll get your 4 points for crossing the line, and then get a penalty of -10 for crossing backward. If those would happen to be the only points of the entire match, you will end up with a score of zero - there are no negative points. But most likely you or an alliance partner will score more points. The penalties are taken off at the end of the match.
basically, the penalties are counted separately from what you score, so if you cross one line (+4), and go backwards (-10), the score should show 4 points, go into teleoperated mode, and then at the end of the round it will say “penalties - 10” or soemthing, and subtract it then. Your score only increases on the scoreboard until the end of the round where penalties are subtracted.