How many people out there think people are going to use the center goal or the side goal during autonomous…It would seem that because you can just program your robot to go straight to the corner goal, that it would be used the most. And also the issue with the camara also comes to mind… buts thats a whole other problem.
As a team we havent decided, but I personnaly want to use the camera and get that perfect. Im sure many teams will be going for the high goal because it is 3 points, and if you can get those points and win the autonomous mode you get another 10 points.
Since this is my senior year and my team’s 6th year in FIRST I would prefere doing the hardest part of the game. Come on, what could be cooler than robots shooting balls at high speeds in autonomous mode?
I agree with Scitobor here… Robot shooting with no way to stop it? Why not?
I think our team has decided not to go for the center goal but myself and a few of the rookies are problably going to be building a separate cannon structure on the top of the robot that is operated almost completely separate.
but do you not think that many team will take the easy guarentee of 10 points with some type of dumping method. I’m am not anticipating very high scoring autonomous periods
Heh. 10 points. That’s trvial.
There’s a lot more hidden in this autonomous mode than you may think.
he’s right. the real kicker of winning autonomous is the deffending first and offending last.
I am rather interested to see if anyone is going to be able to use the camera to score it does seem a lot easier than it was last year… As far as what my team will do I can’t even begin to imagine, As we are rookies this year I’m sure it wont be too over the top, but Ive been fooling around with some ideas that would allow us to score both. One of my concerns on shooting for the Center goal is that even the slightest hit from another robot is going to throw off your aim and In autonomous mode (only 10 seconds this year) your not going to have much time to adjust and re-aim. which may mean you’ll lose out on a given 10 points if you try to shoot.
The phases depend a lot on auton and winning / losing auton will have a lot to do with alliance strategy, It adds a strange new dynamic to scoring and it assures the defending will be the end all be all of pushing matches.
This game gives me a headache…
i agree with the fact that like last year, scoring the center goal in autonomous will be hard. but the reward for doing it could win you the rest of the match. will many teams be able to do it? well have to see.
Well, atleast seeing the center goal will be easier. My only concern is that both light arrays are the same color, so if a robot gets turned around, it could score in the OTHER goal. So far, GDC hasn’t told us what happens when a robot scores in the wrong goal during auto
The way I’ve read the rules, I think they say balls scored in those goals count for the score of that alliance. Since opposing robots can score by being on the other teams platform, they’ll probably allow robots to score balls for opposing teams too.
We hope to be able to shoot for the center goal in autonomous. Right now I’m more worried about being able to shoot the ball in the center goal in the Human controlled part, let alone autonomous.
Autonomous is going to be very fast this year. Alot of quick shooting and praying balls go into goals.
Scoring the center goal might not be as hard as thought. If there is a very dependable shot from human mode, you can always use a ‘teaching’ style auton mode to set up that shot.
I’d much rather use teaching styles or point to point moves than hand control of a robot to the camera. After working extensively with the camera last year before ultimately putting it aside in week 5, I think that it is easier to use the camera this year but I honestly cannot see an incredible number of benefits to do it other than targeting purposes.
I see more of a fail-safe mechanism and position to shoot from than moving shots from anywhere. If defended, most if not all mechanisms would probably be adjustable but human controlled for aim.
I think it will be particularly easy this year to score in autonomous mode. Unlike last year, when the vision tetras changed places every match, the goal is in the same place every match. And unless i missed a rule, you don’t have to move out of the starting zone to score in auto mode. And since the starting zones are 5’x5’ each, it gives a 28"x38" robot enough room to start out diagonally. So if you have a robot that shoots straight foreward, you just aim your robot at the high goal before the match starts, and then start shooting right when auto mode begins. As long as you’ve spent an hour or two ahead of time to make sure your robot shoots its balls at the right speed and angle, you don’t have to worry about aiming and hopefully get an easy 30 points (40 if you count the ten for winning autonomous). I don’t see vision being as helpful in auto mode as it can be in helping the drivers aim during the human controlled periods of the game.
Michael C.
i know that if 971 is shooting in auto, we’ll be using the camera
i read there is a white light that is used to score the balls in the corner goals. would it be possible to track the corner goals using the camera?
I am asking because using dead reckoning to find the corner goals might prove to be difficult.
I think that with the cameras, there is potential for chaos during autonomous.
But, I guess it will all work out in some way
The corner goals are litterally right in front of you if you point your robot down field. Just point your and go forward. What’s so difficult?
PS The camera won’t track the corner goals, trust me.
PPS Listen to Tom, he’s a bright guy.
My (entirely unofficial) interpretation of that: Balls are balls. If you hit their goal, they score points. Done deal.
Considering that many teams will use them for center goal shots, theres a potential for chaos during every period…