We are trying to write a gear autonomous command to drive the robot forward and have the robot slow down as it gets closer to the gear peg using motion profiling. However, when we run our auto command, the robot drives forward in short bursts instead of continuously driving forward. Even when we just set the drivetrain to drive a set value instead of having motion profiling determine our voltage, the robot still doesn’t drive continuously.
Our code:
public class AutoDriveCommand extends Command {
private static RobotLogger logger = new RobotLogger(AutoDriveCommand.class);
private double distanceCounts;
private boolean finished = false;
public AutoDriveCommand() {
// Use requires() here to declare subsystem dependencies
// eg. requires(chassis);
//divide by twelve if needed in inches
//distanceCounts = distanceFeet * 2607.5;
double initd = 0.0;
// Called just before this Command runs the first time
protected void initialize() {
Robot.drivetrainSubsystem.Drive(0.0, 0.0);
// Robot.drivetrainSubsystem.autoDrive();
GearPipeline gtbr = new GearPipeline();
Mat mat = Robot.usbCameraSubsystem.getNthFrame(Robot.robotConfig.shooterConfig.nthFrame);
ArrayList<Rect> gearRects = new ArrayList<Rect>();
for(MatOfPoint mop : gtbr.filterContoursOutput()) {
Rect rect = Imgproc.boundingRect(mop);
logger.log(RobotLogger.LoggerLevel.debug, "NUMBER OF RECTS " + gearRects.size());
Rect rect = VisionUtility.getRectContainer(gearRects, Robot.robotConfig.usbCameraSettings.width, Robot.robotConfig.usbCameraSettings.height);
logger.log(RobotLogger.LoggerLevel.debug, rect.toString());
// double distance = VisionUtility.getGearDistance(rect.width);
logger.log(RobotLogger.LoggerLevel.debug, "Distance: " + Robot.drivetrainSubsystem.getDistance());
initd = Robot.drivetrainSubsystem.getDistance();
private static GearPipeline gtbr = new GearPipeline();
// Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run
protected void execute() {
logger.log(RobotLogger.LoggerLevel.debug, "I AM HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
logger.log(RobotLogger.LoggerLevel.debug, "leftBackDriveMotor: " + RobotMap.leftBackDriveMotor.getBusVoltage());
logger.log(RobotLogger.LoggerLevel.debug, "leftFrontDriveMotor: " + RobotMap.leftFrontDriveMotor.getBusVoltage());
GearPipeline gtbr = new GearPipeline();
Mat mat = Robot.usbCameraSubsystem.getNthFrame(Robot.robotConfig.shooterConfig.nthFrame);
ArrayList<Rect> gearRects = new ArrayList<Rect>();
for(MatOfPoint mop : gtbr.filterContoursOutput()) {
Rect rect = Imgproc.boundingRect(mop);
logger.log(RobotLogger.LoggerLevel.debug, "NUMBER OF RECTS " + gearRects.size());
Rect rect = VisionUtility.getRectContainer(gearRects, Robot.robotConfig.usbCameraSettings.width, Robot.robotConfig.usbCameraSettings.height);
logger.log(RobotLogger.LoggerLevel.debug, rect.toString());
// double distance = VisionUtility.getGearDistance(rect.width);
logger.log(RobotLogger.LoggerLevel.debug, "Distance: " + Robot.drivetrainSubsystem.getDistance());
double distance = Robot.drivetrainSubsystem.getDistance();
double voltage = AutonomousUtil.VoltageProfile(distance, initd, 12.0, ProfileType.Linear, 1.0);
if(voltage < 0.5) {
voltage = 0.5;
// Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute()
protected boolean isFinished() {
return finished;
// Called once after isFinished returns true
protected void end() {
Robot.drivetrainSubsystem.Drive(0, 0);
// Called when another command which requires one or more of the same
// subsystems is scheduled to run
protected void interrupted() {
Robot.drivetrainSubsystem.Drive(0, 0);
Thanks in advance.