Hey everyone,
I am a freshman on team 5000, so I don’t fully know the rules of everything. I was wondering if during the manual drive period if we were aloud to have. some auto drive, for instance having the robot auto center and pick up a block or cone using a camera.
I am glad to hear you are thinking about building a robot and not a complicated RC car.
For sure! Many teams utilize several auto features throughout teleop. A major part of last year’s game was auto targeting to the hub with the retroreflective tape. Definitely try to make your drivers job easier by having auto features.
Of course you can! thats a wondeful question to get you start thinking to be more creative with your robot.
Not only is it allowed, but it is also celebrated with an award!
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford
Celebrates the team that has demonstrated consistent, reliable, high-performance robot operation during autonomously managed actions. Evaluation is based on the robot’s ability to sense its surroundings, position itself or onboard mechanisms appropriately, and execute tasks.
Thank you so much!
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