Can someone please provide me with an example of an autonomous code you’ve used before or are currently using? And please explain what everything means? As of right now I’m simply trying to drive during autonomous so even an explanation of how to program that will help. We are using VictorSPs to drive. I’ll also appreciate any other help! I’ve searched through numerous sources but I am completely lost.
Are you using “Command Based” programming framework?
To my understanding no… I’m using SampleRobot. My current code can be found here so correct me if I’m wrong please My autonomous is a mess!!
It seems like you’re trying to have multiple options for autonomous.
Look at the lines highlighted and I hope it helps
try this for a simple straight ahead run in SampleRobot:
class declarations:
uint64_t autoTime = 0;
uint64_t testTime = 0;
void Autonomous()
if (IsAutonomous() && IsEnabled())
std::cout << “AutoMode START” << std::endl;
autoTime = GetFPGATime();
while (IsAutonomous() && IsEnabled())
testTime = GetFPGATime();
testTime = (testTime - autoTime) / 1000; //get milliseconds
if (testTime < 3250) //want to travel 11 feet in straight line
driveTrain.TankDrive(-0.65,-0.65); //drive forward
driveTrain.TankDrive(0.0,0.0); //stop
std::cout << “AutoMode STOP” << std::endl;