Autonomous path visualizer

Has anyone used a path visualizer to code for their autonomous period? I tried to use TeamMeanMachines path visualizer but every time i tried to build the project it failed to run. Any tips or links to other path visualizers?

You could try WPILib’s PathWeaver along with its Ramsete Controller to follow the path.

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@andrew28 Have you had success with PathWeaver yet in 2020?

You can try New Path Generation Front End which is something I put together. The xeropath.exe is an installer so just install the application.

What path visualizer you use does depend some on how you are going to follow the path. Path Weaver in 2020 is setup to generate trajectories using the Ramsete Controller. My path generation program is setup to follow a path based on have a trajectory with a consistent time step and using some type of velocity + position follower. We have sucessfully used a PDVA with is just a PID controller (without the I) and with a feed forward term for velocity and acceleration.

Note, I did not create the generators. I got them from Jaci Path and from the Cheesy Poofs path generation code. This is just a front end around those programs.

Also if you try it read, the help documentation, it helps.

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