Autonomous Routines

256 just got their first 2 autonomous routines working today (a first for our team). That got me thinking: What other complex/perfectly strategized autonomous routines have other teams thought of? We’ve thought of a 4 ball autonomous, stopping in the opponent’s alley, and a whole lot more.

We’ve got a couple ideas, though really these aren’t full autonomous programs. More like pieces of a larger program. Honestly, that’s what we’d probably use the Kinect for, if anything: declaring which chunks of code to run in what order.

Score 2
Accept feeding
Set up to cross own bridge[1]
Tip Coopertition bridge[1]
Block lane

[1]Due to our design, tipping any bridge will result in intaking up to three balls from that bridge.

We’re glad that we’re going to have more time than usual to work on autonomous this year.