Autonomous scoring and Rule G3

As I understand the manual, teams score by placing/shooting power cells into a power port, and the power port is located at the other end of the field from the drivers.

This is true during autonomous play and teleop play.

However rule G3 prohibit a robot from breaking the plane of their opposing alliance’s sector during AUTO play.

The sector starts at the INITIATION line which is 10 ft from the face of Player Station 2.

So does this mean to score, you have to shoot from 10 ft. or more from the initiation line?


You cannot break the initiation like of your own alliance’s sector, meaning the one right in front of your own drivers station. You start at the opposite end of the field, so you basically just cant come back to your side completely during auto
Meaing you can score from as far or close as you want to, except for inside your alliance’s sector


As this blog post says, there were several mistakes in the documents posted on FIRST’s website. The documents were updated around 6PM on January 3rd.

@jhshanley make sure you download the new version because G3 was modified to read “During AUTO, no defense. During AUTO, a ROBOT’s BUMPERS may not break the plane of their ALLIANCE’s SECTOR (see Figure 3-3.)”

Looking at the reveal video, it looks like bots start on the initiation line, already breaking the line, is that actually the case or will robots start in front of the line and then just not be able to move backward?

The robots will start on the initiation line in the opponents sector, so you can go back, just not all the way across the field into your own sector, where your loading station and driver stations are.

The robots start off breaking the initiation line that is in their opponent’s sector. The robots are allowed to go anywhere on the field except their OWN sector during auto which is on the opposite side of the field of where the robots start the match

Are they allowed in the opponent’s trench?
A tactic might be to grab the power cells in the opponent’s trench during auto.

You can be in the opposing trench. However, if an opponent comes down the Trench, RUN, LUKE, RUN!

Which… might be hard to detect in auto.

There is no rule preventing this, but if your opponents robot goes for those same power cells, and runs into you, a tech foul is awarded.(G10)

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