Autonomous & Timed Sequence

I have a pretty large timed sequence structure in my autonomous independent vi where I basically have the robot drive for a couple of seconds, then go through a nested timed sequence structure to actuate some solenoids to kick the ball, then drive, then kick, then drive, then kick again. (see attachment)

My question is this: It seems as though all but the first drive do not work. It goes through all 3 kick sequences properly but does not drive in between. Any ideas?

I am not a LabView guru by an stretch so if there is a better way to do this, please advise.

I apologize for the pdf attachment as it is not the best quality but I couldn’t do screen shots very well since the diagram is so wide.

auto.pdf (580 KB)

auto.pdf (580 KB)

That is odd behavior, since only your first and last drive commands actually do anything. All the intermediate drive commands just repeat what the first one ordered, so there should be no change in what the motors are doing.
There are no drive stops programmed in.

I can’t see the time delays you have in each drive frame, but I suspect they are longer than the Watchdog is willing to wait before disabling your code. You need to be using Watchdog Delay & Feed during long periods of delay.

In future postings just attach the vi itself. We can open and read that.

Good point - I put the wrong one in there. The proper one does have spots where I set the X and Y axis values to zero during the “kick” operations. My apologies.

Thanks for the advice on the watchdog. Question - if I do a delay and feed vs. the feed I am doing now, will that delay affect the delays I have built into the Timed Sequence structure? In other words, does the delay on the feed & delay actually delay the execution of the code?

The Watchdog Delay & Feed does actually delay code execution until the time is up.

So you’d use one or the other, probably not both.