There has been a lot of talk about good defenders. Has anyone seen examples of robots or alliances that have been able to create a scoring strategy against a strong defender?
That’s a good thread to get you started. The best defence I’ve seen yet was out of 2907 against 2046 at AMV.
I would look at the finals matches of Arkansas Rock City.
Basically, the best way to play against defense is to completely ignore them, stay calm, and spread out. I’m serious. The defender can only immediately cover one of you at a time, and as long as you don’t get in each other’s way, have a defender playing on them, and have faster scorers, you’re basically guaranteed to win.
When we were playing defense against the #1 seed and upset them as #5, we were able to defeat them by causing complete chaos and having all three robots bundle up together and stop scoring. Don’t become a part of the chaos; ignore it.
Spread out.
At FiM Lakeview, the #1 alliance had a good defense bot (7144) playing defense mainly on the opposing alliances defense bot. I don’t have a specific video, but just go look up that alliance’s video and notice that 2054 and 5205 were free to score most of their matches.
Two keys to beating defense:
- Don’t work in the same side of the cargo ship as your partner at the same time.
- Have hatches scored on both the rocket and the cargo ship.
The key insight of #2 is that if you have hatches on the rocket early, you create cargo scoring opportunities on either side of you. This makes it easier to work past defenders in the critical middle portion of the match. You can clean up any denied goals during the early part of the endgame.
Be flexible. It’s really easy to block let’s say the rocket. It’s really hard to block 2 rockets and 2 sides of the cargo ship.
Mercer Island Robotics (5937) did pretty well against defense.
They also had tank treads.
I will relay this compliment back to Mercer Island Robotics. They are our little brother/ sister team and we only want to see each other succeed. One of our two advisors is also their advisor. I am sure they will be ecstatic.
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