I really love the idea of regional animation competitions. It gives more students a chance to win software which (hopefully) they will use to produce DURING the YEAR instead of during the 10 week crunch time. B^P.
The only problem with this is how can they be run so it’s fair to everyone? The regionals start a few weeks before the end of the animation competition, so submissions may not make it out on time. And who judges exactly? If there are team judges, wouldn’t there be an unfair advantage?
I’ve heard about regional animation competitions being run a few ways. One I know for sure was to give the animators computers and the 3 days of competition to put together an animation. But animations would suffer in quality because of that. I doubt quality animations can be made from scratch in 3 days, at approximately 8 hours a day. If it can be done, then shut my lips and call me spanky, but I don’t think even the wizards at Pixar would be able to do that. 3D animation should be given time to really start with a rough version then tweak to perfection.
Then the other way is to bring what is done so far of your animation to each regional you attend. This also may cause animation quality to be low as ther may have not been enough “post robot building” time to work on the animation. And teams who have had a few years animation experience have probably started way earlier than the actual start time that Rookies started at.
Plus: Who Judges? While I agree with team judging team, as it creates a sense of community, there could be teams impartial to themselves or a sister team. However, the number of votes per team could be limited to 2. Teams can’t vote themselves. And there is no point system, it’s more like the oscars where it’s in categories - best technical, best story, best animation, etc. until Discreet no longer feels like giving out awards I suppose <grin>.
But that brings me to something even bigger, which I am going to try to make happen for next year. How about a year-round animation competition? Where you have from the moment Nationals is over until a few weeks before the next nationals to develop an animation and submit it. And where there is an actual tent for the animators, where there are guest speakers (George Lucas or John Lasseter anyone) on animation and computer technology in entertainment.
Booths on the latest technology so we FIRST-heads could drool over it together. And a nightly festival of animation. Mmm… sounds delicious. Think of it as a miniSIGGRAPH. Something to give highschool students a taste of what’s really out there and connect them with future contacts. Ah, that would be grand…
But oh, this is a thread about regional animation competitions. So here’s my thoughts:
-Teams bring what they have SO FAR of the animation they are planning to submit to Autodesk
-Teams each get 2 votes for each category (Technical, Communication, Overall)
-Animations are properly presented during a break time at each regional event, with team numbers clearly noted.
Anyone wanna bounce some more ideas in this direction?
-Robby O
FIRSTanimators Moderator
[email protected]