Award Submission Deadline Change

Did you notice the award deadline is changed from prior years ?

The new deadline for Chairman’s Award, the Woodie Flowers Finalist Award, and the Dean’s List Award is Thursday, February 17, 2010 at NOON EST.

It is NOT midnight, NOT 5 PM, but Thursday, February 17, 2010 at NOON EST.

Just trying to help.

EDIT: I failed to mention that I posted an inquiry to the GDC about an inconsistency between the FRC calendar and the Award manual. I failed to notice that the year was completely wrong. I’ll go make another inquiry to the GDC just to button it all up.


Shoot, we all lose. That deadline was nearly a year ago :smiley:

Does anyone know if the 3,000 character limit for Woodie Flower’s includes spaces or not?