Award winning year streaks

After a discussion among several members of different teams at the Swamp Scrimmage it was brought to my attention that my teams 7 years of winning some award a season was not as common as I thought and ranks us tied for fourth in Florida in terms of length of streak:

233 The Pink Team- 14 Years
79 Team Krunch & 180 S.P.A.M. - 11 Years
1523 M.A.R.S. & 1902 Exploding Bacon - 7 Years

So I am curious as to what teams in your states have the longest active streaks of winning an award in a season?

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Well, when someone in FIRST says winning streak, I immediately think of 2056. They began in 2007 (I believe with the help of 1114), and have never lost a regional. EVER. (yes, even as rookies)

Also, I believe 340 has won Chairman’s at FLR for a myriad of years now, if I remember correctly…

I do believe that 254 is on something like a 14 year streak of regional wins. I also think 103 has like 3 or 4 consecutive years of winning WFA awards; and they all happen to be at Orlando.

115, 254 and 330 have won an award every year of there’s been a regional in California (14 years). Team 207 has 12 years in a row.

330 has additionally won an award at every single regional ever attended (254 has won one at all but 1 regional they ever attended).

It’s hard to go past 1997 (16 years) but here are some more teams:

17 years: 16, 71, 111
16 years: 67

We are not the longest streak by far, but we have managed to win an award at every regional that we have attended since our team started in 2010. So while we are not the longest, we are doing pretty good for ourselves :wink:

Team 100 has a streak of 7 years, and we’ve won an award each year since 1999 with the exception of 2000 and 2005.

Likewise, FRC 1912 has won at least one award at every regional it has competed at. (Starting in 2006)

We have also had at least one Dean’s List Finalist at the Bayou Regional since the award has been created. One year, two of our students won, so we have 4 DLF, one of which (myself) is a DLW. Its a small streak, but I think we tie with one other team for most DLFs in FIRST, which we think is pretty neat.

As a result, 599 has yet to win a regional. :stuck_out_tongue:

While we may never have won a regional, the Robodox have won an award every year since we started in 2001.

(xraymypanda is referring to the first Sacramento regional in 2003 when we partnered with the 'Poofs… so sorry that we couldn’t pull it off!)

  • Mr. Van
    Coach, Robodox

Lets not forget your recent run of RCWs, Rachel :slight_smile: pretty cool stuff, indeed. BTW, we are looking forward to seeing y’all at the LTC Gala :slight_smile:

326 is on a 7 year win streak of winning some sort of an award…

836 won the Chairman’s Award at Chesapeake 2 years in a row.

Prior to their CMP Chairman’s award win, 236 won Chairman’s at the CT Regional for 7 years straight.

Rosie has only come up winless in 2 of our 12 years. See below for the list.

Well, 1346 isn’t around any more, but after a very rookie-ish first year, we went on to win awards in the remaining six of our seven years… not anywhere close to a Canadian record, but definitely a record for teams in Western Canada.

And we managed to do it while somehow never getting past the quarter finals… I still haven’t figured out whether I’d rather have been consistantly good, or occasionally great. (Consistantly great would have been okay, but dang that takes a lot of work.)


Oh yea? Well team 4188 has been winning awards at all of our regionals since 2012, thats 1 year in a row! Haha hopefully we can make it 2 this year :smiley:

1266 has won an award at every regional we’ve attended to for the last nine years (2 regionals per year). We’ve also won an award that has gotten us to championships 8/9 years and have won 4 awards at the championships. Just thought I’d put that out there haha.

This is only our 4th year but we’ve won an award at all 4 regional attended (and sometimes more than one).

We’re always curious how many times it’ll take for the announcer will use the “These black hawks never go down” before it gets old :rolleyes:

Team 597 has won an award at every regional we’ve attended since 2005.

Looking at Michigan teams, Team 27, RUSH, goes back to '97 and Team 68, T3, goes back to '98. Team 217, the Thunder Chickens, goes back to '99. Team 141 and 469 go back to 2000. As previously noted, Team 67, HOT, has been going since '97.

Those seem to be the longest MI streaks. A couple well-known teams in MI have only had a single off year to break long streaks: 47/51 (2006) and 33 (2003). They would’ve had streaks from '96 and '99, respectively.