ok, for next year, team 810 needs to win things to go to florida. so far, we’ve won three awards. 2 highest rookie seeds (over two weeks) and one rookie all star. now, is that enough to go to the nats next year, or would we need to win something else too? from what i’ve heard, this is enough, but it doesn’t hurt to double check.
My understanding is that winnig an award is worth 2 pts, and you need 5 pts to qualify. So if you’ve won 3 awards, then you can do the math and you qualify. I belive you even qualify for this years nationals
well, this year we are going (even team number). next year, we weren’t sure, but now i think we can go. but, one problem.
at SPBLI we got highest rookie seed. at NYC we got highest rookie seed, and rookie all star. does highest rookie seed count towards that 5 points? cause if it does, YAY!, but if it doesn’t, we have to work hard.
All of the information you need is at: http://www.usfirst.org/robotics/res_art9.htm
However, specifically in your case, your points break down as follows:
Highest Rookie Seed: 1 pt per event = 2 pts
Rookie all star: i’m not sure about this one, but if this is considered a “judged award”, it would be 2 pts.
So, right now, you’ve got 4 pts…1 more to hit the magic number…
Well, If you’re going to Nationals, there are lots of points to be picked up there, like divison winner, finalist, and all the same judged awards that they give out at the regionals.
These are the points you can earn:
a. Regional or National Divisional winner—3 points
b. Regional or National Divisional finalist—2 points
c. Judged Award winner at Regional or National Event—2 points
d. Top Seed at Regional or National Event—1 point
e. Top Rookie Seed at Regional or National Event—1 point